quiqqer/calendar Module Adds calendars to your QUIQQER system, allowing you to manage and display... (2)
QUIQQER - Shop - Product Import and Export Module Create individual imports and exports for your products. (0)
quiqqer/payment-stripe Module Use the Stripe payment gateway to accept payments in your QUIQQER Shop (0)
QUIQQER - CleverReach Module Integration of forms for subscription to CleverReach mailing lists on your... (1)
quiqqer/template-businesspro Template Modern and responsive template to present your company in internet. (0)
quiqqer/frontend-users Module The Frontend Users module extends QUIQQER with a profile extension and a... (4)
Stock management for your QUIQQER ERP Shop Module Manage stock for products and the behaviour for specific stock levels (0)
QUIQQER - Shop - Watchlist Module Offer your customers the opportunity to create watchlists and send purchases. (0)
quiqqer/contentgenerator Module The content generator module creates pages in QUIQQER and fills them with... (0)
Payment reminder for prepayment orders Module Automated payment reminder for prepayment orders with optional cancellation. (0)
quiqqer/urlshortener Application QURLS stands for QUIQQER URL Shortener and is a small QUIQQER APP that allows... (1)
quiqqer/socialshare Module This plugin allows you to simply place social share buttons on your website. (0)
quiqqer/invitecode Module Generate and manage Invite Codes to register and identify users in your system (0)
quiqqer/gallery Module Present your photos, products and pictures in elaborate and beautiful galleries. (0)
quiqqer/sitetypes Module The SiteTypes package extends QUIQQER with some standard page types. With... (0)
quiqqer/presentation-bricks Plugin This package contains bricks for the presentation of app or program on your... (1)
quiqqer/portfolio Module Manage your references / customer projects and present them on your website. (0)
quiqqer/payments Plugin Extends QUIQQER (ERP) with a payment method API and management. Comes with... (0)