quiqqer/presentation-bricks Plugin This package contains bricks for the presentation of app or program on your... (1)
quiqqer/html-snippets Plugin The HTML Snippets module in QUIQQER allows you to quickly and efficiently... (1)
quiqqer/frontend-users Module The Frontend Users module extends QUIQQER with a profile extension and a... (4)
QUIQQER - CleverReach Module Integration of forms for subscription to CleverReach mailing lists on your... (1)
QUIQQER - Search Module The package provides an advanced frontend search for QUIQQER. Search your... (1)
QUIQQER - URL-Shortener Application QURLS stands for QUIQQER URL Shortener and is a small QUIQQER APP that allows... (1)
QUIQQER - Bricks Module Module The brick system allows you to design your website according to your wishes.... (1)
QUIQQER - Calendar & Event Management Module Adds the functionality to manage events and calendars, as well as their... (2)
QUIQQER - REST API Plugin Extend QUIQQER with a REST API server. QUIQQER REST allows each package to... (1)
quiqqer/memberships Module Create and manage memberships for your users. With memberships you can grant... (0)
quiqqer/template-simple Template Extremely simple one page template for announcing the basic information about... (0)