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The QUIQQER Tax module adds TAX functionality to QUIQQER. Its possible to manage different tax rates for each country.

With the E-COYN tax module you can manage tax rates for different countries and areas in your store. The different tax types also allow you to define multiple tax rates for an area, such as reduced VAT. The tax module automatically provides all tax data for EU countries. So the initial configuration is done in a flash. The validation of VAT identification numbers for EU countries is optionally done automatically and free of charge via the service of This means that incorrect entries in the ordering process or when maintaining customer data are a thing of the past.


  • Set tax rates for all available countries and areas
  • Tax groups that can contain several tax types (e.g. for VAT and reduced VAT)
  • Consideration of omission of VAT for orders by commercial customers in the EU (optional)
  • Predefined tax configuration for all EU countries
  • Automated check of VAT identification numbers for EU countries via (free of charge)
  • Choice of tax display in order process (gross / net)

Install package

This package is not freely available and must be purchased as part of a license. If you have already purchased a license that contains this package, please log in.

To install version "1.2.1" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.2.2" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.3.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.3.1" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.3.2" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.4.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

Additional information

Package type

