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Convert your QUIQQER website to an Android or iOS app

Build a smartphone app from your QUIQQER project!  

Now you can't just be found in the app stores of Apple and Google but also your website becomes offline available.  

And all of that dead easy without any programming knowledge!  

In your QUIQQER system you comfortably configure everything from colors and logos up to menus and ads.
Download the generated files and an easy to use script does the rest for you.
Just like this you create your own app in no time!  

Since all content of the app is served from your QUIQQER system you manage the app's content with the QUIQQER WYSIWYG-Editors and have no need to always upload new versions to the app stores.  

By optionally embedding Google ads in your app you can generate additional income easily.  

Features summerized:

  • Your own Android or iOS app in just 5 minutes
  • Present your QUIQQER website mobile and also offline
  • Completely customizable from colors and logos to menus and ads
  • Directly use the generated app or customize it even more with some programming knowledge (an Ionic App is generated)
  • Update the apps content with the QUIQQER WYSIWYG-Editor without uploading new app versions to the app stores
  • Earn money by optionally displaying ads in your app with Google AdMob

Install package

This package is not freely available and must be purchased as part of a license. If you have already purchased a license that contains this package, please log in.

To install version "1.0.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *

To install version "1.0.1" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: ^1

To install version "dev-archive" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: ^1

To install version "dev-next-1.x" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: ^1

Additional information

Package type

