QUIQQER - Shop - Customs fees
quiqqer/customs-feesModule PCSG QEL-1.0 Details
Add customs fees for shippings abroad für your QUIQQER Shop
You want to deliver your goods abroad and have to calculate customs fees? No problem! With the QUIQQER-Shop customs fee module you can define individual customs fee for your orders. Depending on the destination country of the delivery (e.g. factors) you can define either a percentage or an absolute surcharge on your order value, which is automatically listed as an item in the order.
- Individual customs fees (as an absolute or percentile surcharge to the total order sum)
- for one or multiple shipping destinations (areas with multiple countries or individual countries)
- for different shipping types (optional)
- restricted to a total sum range (optional)
- custom text for each fee entry for the customers
Install package
To install version "1.0.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:
- E-COYN - E-Commerce You Need: ^1|*@dev
To install version "dev-archive" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:
- E-COYN - E-Commerce You Need: ^1|*@dev
To install version "dev-main" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:
- E-COYN - E-Commerce You Need: ^1|*@dev
To install version "dev-next-1.x" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:
- E-COYN - E-Commerce You Need: ^1|*@dev
To install version "dev-next-2.x" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:
- E-COYN - E-Commerce You Need: ^1|*@dev
Additional information
Package type
- German
- English
Show license
Rights holder
PCSG - Computer & Internet Service OHG