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With the FAQ page types it is easy to create FAQ for your users.

The FAQ-Sitetype allows you to quickly and easily create FAQ-pages.

Everything is taken care of: from the FAQ-category-overview to the individual "Question and Answer"-entries.
Just create the content, QUIQQER adds the design and layout.

For example: at first you create a FAQ-page which will list all FAQ-categories automatically. You create new categories by just creating new childsites. On these category pages the actual FAQ-entries will be displayed, which are childsites as well.
At this way you get an elegant FAQ without much effort.


  • FAQ Overview
  • FAQ Categories
  • FAQ Entries
  • sitetypes make the usage dead easy
  • just create the content, QUIQQER handles the rest



  • FAQ-List: Displays all childsites of the "FAQ-category" type. This makes it an overview for all the different categories in your FAQ.
  • FAQ-Category: Presents it's childsites as FAQ-entries which makes it the actual FAQ.
  • FAQ-Entry: Represents a question and ansert section in a category.

Install package

To install version "0.9.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.0.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.1.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.2.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.3.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.4.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.4.1" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.5.0" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.5.1" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.5.2" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "1.5.3" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

To install version "dev-next-1.x" of this package the following other packages have to be installed in the given version:

  • QUIQQER: *@dev

Additional information

Package type


Latest version



PCSG QL-1.0, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Show license

Rights holder

PCSG - Computer & Internet Service OHG
